Victron Energy

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VRM på din Smartklocka

12/11, 2024

VRM på din Smartklocka

Håll koll på ditt Victron-system när som helst, var som helst!

Vi är glada att meddela att Victron Energy VRM-app nu är tillgänglig på smartklockor!...

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Installerar du el för husbilar?

31/03, 2023

Installerar du el för husbilar?

Ta en titt på den här genomgången och schemat för ditt projekt

Om du planerar att installera ett kraftsystem i ett fritidsfordon, skåpbil eller...

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GlobalLink 520 v2.06

27/09, 2022

GlobalLink 520 v2.06

Ruuvi trådlösa sensorer, BLE-sensorer och anpassade SIM-kort!

I juli släppte Victron Energy Firmware version 2.06 för GlobalLink 520 som innehåller...

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Systemstatus widgetar för VRM-appen

1/09, 2022

Systemstatus widgetar för VRM-appen

I den andra av vår tredelade bloggserie som introducerar spännande funktioner som ger omedelbar tillgång till ditt elsystem, kommer vi att berätta...

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8/10, 2021


Responsible building against climate change?

Australian national Evie Verdini Fensom has been into sustainable living right from school when...

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Kart Racing – it’s Electrifying!

24/09, 2021

Kart Racing – it’s Electrifying!

Children take control of the city streets

In towns and cities around Romania, race organisers RadioKart are closing the streets to host an exciting...

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Van life with induction hob

17/09, 2021

Van life with induction hob

Cooking on the MultiPlus 2000VA

A lot of people think cooking with electricity is only an option at home, connected to the grid. After all, an...

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Venus OS v2.73 – small varia

31/08, 2021

Venus OS v2.73 – small varia

Today we released v2.73, a version containing a small handful of minor improvements.

For those not familiar with Venus OS: Venus OS is the software...

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Largest private solar farm South Africa

29/03, 2021

Largest private solar farm South Africa

A 180 Hectare Pecan Nut Orchard in Hartswater, South Africa has solved its irrigation problem virtually overnight by installing the region’s largest...

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Forest well-water purification project

23/03, 2021

Forest well-water purification project

Off Grid Solar protects water supply

The 200 residents of Urphertshofen, a German village in Middle Franconia, have been supplied with domestic water...

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Wind Cargo: Maiden voyage return

15/02, 2021

Wind Cargo: Maiden voyage return

Green Cargo Ship uses Blue Power

The sustainable cargo ship Grain de Sail is expected to arrive back home in France by the middle of this week after...

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Venus OS v2.62 – Inverter & MPPT RS

8/02, 2021

Venus OS v2.62 – Inverter & MPPT RS

UPDATE Feb 16th 2021: Venus OS v2.63 was released today; but changes are so small that it doesn’t warrant its own post nor pushing the Wind Cargo...

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Recharge your batteries at the Superbowl

6/02, 2021

Recharge your batteries at the Superbowl

Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Kansas City Chiefs will be in action in Florida this weekend (February 7th) at the Super Bowl LV. The game will witness a Clash-of-the-Giants...

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Which Solar Panel?

12/10, 2020

Which Solar Panel?

Ever wondered which type of PV panel offers the best output?

We wondered that too!  So we decided to carry out our own impartial test.


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New Dashboard launched for VRM

29/09, 2020

New Dashboard launched for VRM

At a glance display with real time updates

Combining a diagrammatic presentation of the installation with historic information it now presents the data...

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Off-grid Reggae studio

22/09, 2020

Off-grid Reggae studio

The hills are alive with the sound of music

The Swiss musician singer/songwriter Dodo has been working remotely – 2500m above sea level in the Grimsel...

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VictronConnect v5.27 & Lithium Smart v1.19

20/07, 2020

VictronConnect v5.27 & Lithium Smart v1.19

Today we’re releasing an update for VictronConnect and our Lithium Smart batteries. The firmware update for the batteries is essential in certain...

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Venus OS v2.57 – Cerbo GX

13/07, 2020

Venus OS v2.57 – Cerbo GX

Today we’re releasing a new version of Venus OS – the software at the heart of our GX Product range.

This update concentrates around the Cerbo...

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Private Island, Private Power

17/06, 2020

Private Island, Private Power

The private island of Noa Noa, in the Philippines, offers exclusive breaks for those in search of deep relaxation.

The Philippines has 7641 islands;...

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Marine MFD GX integration - Raymarine

10/06, 2020

Marine MFD GX integration - Raymarine

The Marine MFD GX integration enables you to easily connect a Multi Functional Display to the heart of your power system such as the Color Control GX,...

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Marine MFD GX integration - Garmin

11/05, 2020

Marine MFD GX integration - Garmin

The Marine MFD GX integration enables you to easily connect a Multi Functional Display to the heart of your power system such as the Color Control GX,...

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Appen Victron Connect

7/05, 2020

Appen Victron Connect

Övervakning, drift och konfiguration

Använd appen Victron Connect för att konfigurera, övervaka, uppdatera och diagnostisera din Victron-produkt....

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Marine MFD GX integration - Furuno

26/04, 2020

Marine MFD GX integration - Furuno

The Marine MFD GX integration enables you to easily connect a Multi Functional Display to the heart of your power system such as the Color Control GX,...

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