The leisure boater's - VHF/SRC book

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The Recreational Boater's - VHF/SRC book is for anyone who wants to learn how a modern marine VHF radio with DSC works.

Item number: 978-91-519-3092-3
EAN: 978-91-519-3092-3
Supplier: Fritidsskepparen

The leisure boater's - VHF/SRC book is for those who want to learn how a modern marine VHF radio with DSC works. The book educationally and simply describes the benefits of VHF and how it is  used in the boat, both in Sweden and abroad.

Functions such as AIS, satellite-based emergency systems, distress calls, the distress signal distress alert,  Mayday with several distress signals, Sweden Rescue, sea rescue, coastal radio stations, common  calls and channel speed with ATIS function are also explained.

The leisure skipper's VHF/SRC book is a course book for an SRC, Short Range Certificate and meets the  knowledge requirements issued by the Board for boating education, NFB.

In the last chapter you can find everything about the examination for an SRC, examples of test writing and where you  find interviewers about you choose self-study. For each chapter there are practice questions with  conclusion.

From the content:

  • What VHF is and overall how it works
  • < li>Marine VHF, antenna, range and communication
  • Formalities, permits and rules
  • GMDSS, GNSS, AIS, and VHF in the boat's network
  • Practical functions< /li>
  • Coastal radio stations, Sweden Traffic, SAR and Sweden Rescue
  • VHF's various traffic channels and times in UTC
  • Calls between ships, coastal radio station and ports etc.
  • The emergency signal Mayday, the emergency signal PAN-PAN and the warning signal Sécurité
  • AIS distress, EPIRB, SART and satellite communication
  • VHF abroad and ATIS
  • English lettering and English expressions.
  • All about the practical and written The SRC exam
  • Summary for practice questions
  • Abbreviation glossary with explanations
  • Register
  • Morse code, MMSI MID number for our neighboring countries and lettering< /li>

On the book's website there are, among other things, supplementary practice questions,  Rainwatt, Kanalkartor and lathund for emergency calls. 

To The VHF/SRC book contains complete teaching material for teachers consisting of  Powerpoint images with explanatory text.

The recreational skipper's series of nautical books includes Navigation book, VHF/SRC book , Radar book with AIS, Electricity, electronics  and networks on board and Driver's license for jet skis.< /p>