The leisure skipper - Electricity, electronics and networks on board is for those who want to learn in an educational way how electrical systems, electronic equipment and marine networks work and cooperate on board a leisure boat. The book describes electrical engineering in a basic way and how installation of new components as well as maintenance and troubleshooting is done in existing equipment.
From the contents:
- Basic and advanced electrical studies
- Description of various electrical and electronic components
- Batteries, the battery circuit and different types of charging sources
- The consumption circuit and calculation of power requirements
- Protection against galvanic and electrolytic corrosion
- Connection and maintenance of marine electronic equipment
- Building and construction of various marine networks
- Recommended tools for work in the boat's electrical system
Development in boat electronics is very fast and it is not easy to keep up with all the times. Even if the installation is not carried out yourself, sufficient basic knowledge is needed to choose the right equipment and be able to discuss different solutions with suppliers. Electricity, electronics and networks on board, are part of Fritidskepperen's series of nautical books.
Fritidskepperen's series of nautical books includes The navigation book, VHF/SRC book , Radar book with AIS, Electricity, electronics and networks on board and Driver's license for jet skis.< /p>