Maretron DSM410-01 - 4.1 inch bright NMEA 2000 display with alarm

  • 931,49 €
  • 893,40 €
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MARETRON DSM410-01, is a 4.1" high resolution bright screen that receives and displays data from NMEA 2000 instruments, navigation (not charts/AIS).

Item number: DSM410-01
EAN: 873804003757
Supplier: Maretron

MARETRON DSM410-01, is a 4.1" high-resolution bright screen that receives and displays data from NMEA 2000® instruments, navigation (not charts/AIS) and monitoring data. The DSM410 is a user-friendly marine display with the possibility to customize the content of up to 16 favorite images with an illuminated keypad.In addition to monitoring data, it can also control power consumers and manage alarms on all data.

Unlike traditional displays with one display mode, the DSM410 can handle numerical values, gauges, bars and graphs in many different ways and in combinations, allowing you to have many display modes in one instrument and save money mounting surface and reduces costs.

The DSM410 connects directly to a NMEA 2000 network and, with the exception of AIS data, can display any information from the boat.Several audio and visual alarms can also be programmed DSM410 can display data from AC, DC, anchor status, batteries, engines, environment, fuel economy, gps, course, navigation, pressure, temperatures, speed, rudder, tanks, transmission, movements, mechanics, watermaker , weather and much more.

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