New LightHouse Chart for Northern Europe worth SEK 2,390 included!
RAYMARINE ELEMENT 7 HV< /strong>, complete package with both plotters and HV-100 transducer and charts. Elementst CHIRP sonar/GPS range from Raymarine gives you the upper hand when you are in search of fish and their habitat. Element's HyperVision™ 1.2 megahertz sonar technology delivers the sharpest picture of the world below the surface, upping the resolution of DownVision, SideVision and RealVision 3D to a new level of precision rendering and fish identification, allowing you to see structure, vegetation and fish with outstanding lifelike clarity .
In sunlight and overcast
Displays with built-in GPS/GNSS receiver can be read in sunlight.
Superior HyperVision
1.2 megahertz CHIRP sonar technology provides a much higher resolution compared to conventional side-and-down sonar.
Fast quad-core processor
Instant redraw of the map and sharp 3D images.
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