A Beginner's Guide to ActisenseCloud
Digital Skipper |14/10, 2021
ActisenseCloud harnesses the power of cloud computing and provides users with the ability to upload EBL log files recorded on; any NMEA 2000 network and to easily view data from all available PGNs online. Users can also download these in common formats such as Excel, as well as formats such as GPX and KML, which means that users can then plot their journeys in real time on Google Maps and Google Earth.
You can register and get access to your free ActisenseCloud is: https:/ /actisense.cloud/
Once you have registered on ActisenseCloud website you can start using the available features to use your data;
Uploading your data
Uploading your EBL files to ActisenseCloud is easy. Drag and drop or select a file from your directory:
All files you upload to ActisenseCloud will be stored in the "My Uploads" box located below the upload location. These files will stay here once uploaded, so that you can easily access them at a later time if you need to:
Show data
By clicking onå view icon (ögon symbol), a new page will load, where each individual PGN recorded from the network is displayed in a list view, along with a decoded breakdown of each field within the PGN, and the value /the values they contain.
There are also; a filtering option on this page, where you can filter your data to show only 1 specific PGN. In addition to this, if you use it for existing data, or need to look at; a specific time stamp for a problem, ActisenseCloud has the ability to choose the time you want to look at; using the dropdown menu.
Export data
ActisenseCloud will convert EBL to the most commonly used formats, including GPX, KML, XLS (XLSX) and MDF formats, making plotting on; Google Maps and Google Earth, and filtering via Excel, easy and stress-free.
GPX export (NMEA to GPX)
A GPX file is a file in GPS interchange format that can be used by both GPS devices and computers. Although they look like lines of text or code when opened in something like Notepad, they contain waypoints, routes, and marked waypoints, etc.….
KML export
KML files är Keyhole Markup Language Files. KML uses XML (Extensible Markup Language) to display geographic information visually, with the help of image overlays, locations, video links, etc... Much like GPX, if opened in Notes, it's just a block of text, but when it's put into a program like Google Earth that can use it, things are very different:
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MDF export (NMEA to MDF)
MDF files ä are metadata format files, which are binary formats. The purpose of MDF files is to store recorded/calculated data for post-processing. This is the standard file format for measurement and calibration systems but can also be used in the marine industry.
By clicking on; the Export button in the MDF section downloads a file containing the moving data for CAN records contained in the EBL file.
When the file is available, a long ;nk to it.
Excel (XLSX) Export (NMEA to XLSX)
XLSX files are designed for Excel. With the help of the parameter selection list on the export option, you can choose which parameter (PGN) you want to export and have the graph for. Currently, the export option is only the measurement unit PGN is made in, e.g. for temperature it will export in Kelvin, as per this example:
Så How does this benefit me?
ActisenseCloud lets you easily view and analyze all logged boat data, including speed, depth, temperature, course and more, over time. ActisenseCloud will convert EBL to the most commonly used formats, including GPX, KML, XLS (XLSX) and MDF formats, allowing plotting on; Google Maps and Google Earth, and filtering via Excel, simple and stress-free.
Analyses for specific periods of time is something that our customers have been asking for, for quite some time because they discovered that there was a lack of software that could do this. Although some traffic data recorders can provide this, this usually comes at a cost or requires an extra rate. With ActisenseCloud it's easy, fast and best of all it's free!
ActisenseCloud not only allows you to record data over time and analyze it in subsequently to calculate information such as fuel consumption against different speeds, but it can also; is used as a basic diagnostic. Having all the boat's data on a location means that the individual units can be examined and troubleshooting can be done. For example, if your monitor gives depth values that you suspect are incorrect, you can analyze the EBL file from your W2K-1 NMEA 2000 to Wi-Fi Gateway in ActisenseCloud (or EBL Reader), to see what depth the PGN contains that is output by the instrument.
For those not providing a W2K-1, don't worry! This is also possible with our NGT-1 NMEA 2000 PC Gateway. With your NGT-1 (USB variant is simpler for easy connection to PC) and our free downloadable Actisense NMEA Reader, you can make recordings in the same EBL format. These files can then be uploaded from your PC to the cloud, stored and analyzed just like the W2K-1 recordings can.