Maretron MBB300C-01 - N2KView control and monitoring computer (black box), connects to a separate monitor

  • 2.546,86 €
  • 2.495,88 €
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MARETRON MBB300C-01, is a compact black box computer integrated with Maretron's control and monitoring software N2KView, no license needed to be purchased.

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Item number: MBB300C-01
EAN: 873804003733
Supplier: Maretron

MARETRON MBB300C-01, is a compact black box computer integrated with Maretron's control and monitoring software N2KView® (no license required). Unlike other computers, it is only possible to run N2KView on the MBB300C and it is not possible to install other programs. This makes the device extremely stable and intended only for controlling and monitoring a boat. The MBB300C is made for marine use with an SSD drive that can handle shocks. Since the computer consumes less than 10W, there is no need for a fan that can make a lot of noise and require maintenance.

MBB300C connects to a monitor with VGA or HDMI. If it is a touchscreen, it is connected via USB or a serial port. Alternatives or complements to touch screen are keyboard, mouse, joystick or trackball via USB.

MBB300C has two isolated NMEA 2000® connectors for connection to a simple or redundant NMEA 2000 network. There is also an ethernet port for connection to a router/switch to which IP cameras can be connected and then displayed in N2KView.

If the MBB300C is connected to the internet, it is possible to download free updates of N2KView. It is also possible to send data to Maretron's cloud services and to send e-mails if an alarm condition occurs in N2KView.


  • 9-36 Volt power supply
  • Solid State Disk Drive
  • Fanless cooling system
  • Dual CAN bus for single or redundant network connections of NMEA 2000®
  • Four USB ports for touch screen, keyboard, mouse, trackball or thumb drive
  • VGA or HDMI video connection (2560 x 1600 maximum resolution)
  • Ethernet connector for IP camera input or e- mail warning message

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