Victron Energy - VE.Direct to NMEA2000 adapter

  • 1,165.41 PLN
  • 1,139.80 PLN
Lowest price at PriceRunner

VICTRON ENERGY ASS030520310, Is a NMEA drop cable makes the BMV-700 information available to a NMEA2000 network.

The product is unfortunately out of stock.

Item number: ASS030520310
EAN: 8719076033905
Supplier: Victron Energy

VICTRON ENERGY ASS030520310, Is a NMEA drop cable makes the BMV-700 information available to a NMEA2000 network. Battery information such as voltage, current and charge status can be displayed on a common display with other manufacturers that accepts NMEA2000 data sent.


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  • The cable does not work with other VE.Direct products such as solar chargers, inverters, nor with the BMV-712 Smart
  • When used together with a BMV-702, the AUX function is in the BMV limited. When used to measure starter battery voltage, the voltage will be transmitted to the NMEA2000 network. However, when used to measure temperature or average voltage, the data will not be transmitted to the NMEA200 network

  • Good product related links:

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  • Manufacturer's product page
  • Manual
  • Victron Blog - Battery Monitors and Monitoring Solutions