Navionics - Platinum XL Swedish Lakes

  • 1,579.55 DKK
  • 1,532.43 DKK
Lowest price at PriceRunner

NAVIONICS PLATINUM+ SWEDISH LAKES, contains all the content of Navionics +, enhanced with additional display options, including relief shading etc.

The product is unfortunately out of stock.

Article number: MSD-5P407XL
EAN: 7332470000000
Supplier: Navionics

NAVIONICS PLATINUM+ SWEDISH LAKES, contains all the content of Navionics +, enhanced with additional display options, including relief shading, satellite overlay with SonarChart Shading, 3D view and panoramic photos. For lakes in the US and Canada, platinum content is offered in a dedicated product, HotMaps Platinum. Elsewhere, lake maps are included within Platinum +.

The map for Swedish lakes is as shown.

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