Maretron ACM100-01 - ACM100. Module for monitoring up to three AC sources, NMEA 2000, incl. 1 pc 100 A shunt

  • 646,69 €
  • 633,72 €
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MARETRON ACM100-01, is a device that monitors alternating current sources and consumers (AC) and converts this to NMEA 2000.

Item number: ACM100-01
EAN: 873804000176
Supplier: Maretron

MARETRON ACM100-01, is a device that monitors alternating current sources and consumers (AC) and converts this to NMEA 2000. The data can then be displayed on a NMEA 2000 display, e.g. Maretron DSM410 or other displays and software that support displaying this data. The ACM100 can monitor up to three AC sources. Supplied with 1 pc 100A shunt.


  • Voltage
  • Current
  • Frequency
  • Real power
  • Responsive power
  • Perceived power
  • Total energy imported
  • Total energy exported< /li>

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