Raymarine Axiom System Restore - Step by Step

|6/07, 2023

Raymarine Axiom System Restore - Step by Step

There is the law there; you need to do a complete system restore of your Raymarine Axiom MFD, because the most common case is if it ended up in a wound; called an infinite loop because it keeps restarting.

To perform a system restore, follow the steps below:

1. Within 30 seconds of applying the current, swipe from right to left Swipe the power switch 5 times to get to the "Reset" page. Note that sometimes you may need to try this mana several times before it "bites".

2. Swipe from right to left across the circuit breaker swipe the area 3 times ;nger to highlight the line for "Wipe  data/factory reset".

3. Swipe from left to right to select the restore option .

4. Swipe from right to left to select "Yes"

5. Swipe from left to right to confirm the restore option

6. Swipe from left to right to reboot to normal function