Registration of EPIRB & PLB

|23/06, 2022

Registration of EPIRB & PLB

If you find yourself in an emergency situation, it can be crucial to have an emergency responder to be able to call; help. With the Swedish Maritime Administration, you register EPIRB transmitters used in shipping and PLB transmitters for personal use.

Cospas-Sarsat is an international system for receiving distress signals and locating emergency responders for, among other things, sea and air rescue. Sweden is one of the member countries of Cospas-Sarsat. There are different types of emergency dispatchers that send out the frequency 406 MHz.

It is the Norwegian Maritime Administration's Maritime and Air Rescue Centre, JRCC, which receives the alarms from the emergency services and forwards the alarms to the appropriate authority. They must quickly get information about the identity of whoever is in trouble, or to confirm that there is no one in danger.

PLB (Personal Locator Beacon)
PLB (Personal Locator Beacon) is an emergency beacon that you can carry with you in your pocket whether you are sitting in the boat or on the water. land or in the air.

Registration and updating of PLB
Äers/users of PLB administer their data themselves in the international register IBRD (International Beacon Registration Database). The IBRD database is managed and administered by the organization Cospas Sarsat.

To administer your data, the Hex code (15 letters/numbers) is required for your PLB and a password for IBRD.

When registering, you choose a password yourself at the time of registration.
NOTE that you yourself are responsible for remembering the password there. ; Cancellation cannot be made at the Maritime Administration but must be requested from IBRD in Canada.

New registration of PLB
We recommend that you Read through the step-by-step instructions.
There is guidance on how to register or update the data for your PLB and how to change your password. There are also instructions on how to connect several PLBs to one and the same account (one login).

Registration of PLB
Step-by-step instruction PLB

Registration of EPIRB (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon)
EPIRB (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon) is used in shipping and is part of the international safety radio system GMDSS (Global Maritime Distress and Safety System).

An EPIRB must be programmed before it can be used. ;ndas. When programming, you receive a certificate and a registration certificate that must be sent to the Swedish Maritime Administration (or the equivalent authority in other countries). The programming is done by an authorized transmitter.

The following information is needed for the programming to be done:
- Vessel MMSI number (mandatory)
- Vessel name
- User name
- User address

When you order your EPIRB from Digital Skipper, we can program your EPIRB before delivery at no extra cost.

You register the EPIRB - the sender by submitting a written application. We will notify you when the information is received and registered, normally within 14 days.

Response can be sent to:

Fax to: +46 31 29 01 34
E -mail: [email protected]

Register EPIRB, Pdf