Raymarine Axiom - Recording of NMEA2000 data
Digital Skipper |26/01, 2022
There are a number of situations when it is useful to be able to record NMEA2000 / SeaTalkng data from a LightHouse 3 multifunction display and in this blog post we go through how you do.
Raymarine Lighthouse 3 MFDs can record NMEA2000 traffic to MicroSD cards. This is extremely useful for diagnosing problems with the interface between Raymarine and other products, problems with autopilot performance, and the like. Raymarine technical support will often ask for a NMEA2000 log to diagnose such problems.
In LH3 v3.11 and later
Gå to Home> Settings> Network> Diagnostics> NMEA devices and messages, select the SD card you want to record to; and then tap on Start recording. You can exit this menu, use your system as usual (eg to demonstrate the performance of an autopilot or engine data problems), and then do; enter again later and do Stop recording.