Harmonize depth curves in LightHouse charts

|21/08, 2023

Harmonize depth curves in LightHouse charts

Sjöfartsverket and Hydrographica manage their depth curves on different ways, which means that one can experience single-colored blocks in wide coverage between the different zones for the Maritime Administration and Hydrographica respectively.

How to avoid these blocks you enter and adjust the settings for the depth curves under the settings for the LightHouse sailing card.

Less takes
For for smaller boats that do not need the 6 meter curve, shallow water is set to 2m and deep water to 3m. Då you get a completely red presentation in the Hydrographica area with dark blue 0-2 and light blue 2-3m and then white. No sharp edges marking these areas. In the Maritime Administration, the area is dark blue 0-3m and then white. Everythingå no light bulb 3-6m curve in total.

Larger boats
For larger boats and sailing boats that must have a clearly marked 6m curve. Recommended as shallow water 3m, deep water from 6m but there; everything over 3m in Hydrographica's area will be light blue.

With updated card and software on the screen, the presentation comes from start be soå that the blue highlighted Hydrographica areas are white and blend better into the presentation.